Smoothies – Dogs
Smoothies are creamy and tasty poultry or fish broths with mixed vegetables, fruits and herbs. The ingredients used present an appreciable nutritional interest and are a new form - liquid - of consumption of fruits and vegetables.
They are full of fibres, minerals, micro-nutrients (carotenoids, polyphenols, etc.). They contain small quantities, depending on the fragrance, of chlorophyll (aromatic plants), medicinal plants (St. John's wort) or tropical plants (lemongrass), cyanobacteria (spirulina), whose role is preponderant in many physiological processes.
Real vitality bombs, they are an interesting alternative due to their subtle marriage of flavors to vary the taste of the bowl, to fill a LickiMat or an occupation toy while filling up with vitamins. Thanks to the different flavors, we vary the consumption of vegetables and fruits and our darlings can't get enough of it!